Welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to the MAPLE STREET CHURCH page.
are Sunday Mornings at 10:15. The main entrances are on East Wheeling Street, across from our parking lot. The upper ramp has steps inside, but the lower ramped entrance is without steps. Inside there is an elevator and accessible restrooms. Dress for in-person services ranges from casual to formal, depending on your preference. The in-person service is live-streamed; you can connect online through the Facebook link above on the right column, or later as the service is added to the links on the right.
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES are at 9:00 AM Sundays; for other classes, contact the church office for schedule and details.
The FREE STORE is open to shop on Wednesdays & Fridays from 10-11:30 am. Donations are also accepted on those days. We are only accepting CLOTHING, SHOES, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, and PERSONAL CARE ITEMS. We can suggest other locations if you have other items to donate.
The SCOUTS (Boy Scout Troop 106 & Cub Scout Pack 106) are meeting on Tuesday evenings, sometimes at the church, and sometimes elsewhere. Contact the office for more information.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Maple Street Church, 438 E. Wheeling St. (Hug Life) meets Wednesday & Saturday at 12:30-1:30pm, doors open at noon. Just show up for the meeting, and take the stairs to the 2nd floor. Enter at the Maple Street Office Door. There is no public parking in the lot to the left.
Area Helpline: 614-252-1700
evening meetings are held at
Connexion West, 625 Garfield Ave. (enter at 6th and Pierce).
Meets Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6:30 pm, doors open at 5:30. pm.
Shining Light Community Church, 1868 E. Main St. Meets Thursday at 6:30 pm, doors open at 5:30 pm.
The COMMUNITY KITCHEN is currently open Monday through Friday. (Mon, Tues, Thurs Meals are sponsored by the First United Methodist Church, while their kitchen is being renovated.) A light breakfast is from 9-10 am and lunch is served at 12 noon. Please see the link below to their Facebook page for updated information.
The REFUGE now has daily Orientations at the Bridge, 115 W 5th Avenue. Call (614) 991-0131 for more information.
If you would like to receive email notices from the church, please send a message to office@maplestchurch.com.
Almost all church committee meetings are either in-person or online. This is the Login information for most meetings:
By computer, tablet or smartphone:
or call in by phone
enter meeting id: 437 282 3598
(it might take a few minutes to set up the app)
from the Hymnals
from contemporary artists
ADDRESS: 438 E Wheeling St, Lancaster, OH 43130-3820
PHONE: (740) 687-6384
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 12:30
PASTOR: Kevin M Chambers (614) 580-5189
WORSHIP: Sundays 10:15 a.m.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (all ages) Sundays 9:00 a.m.

—Shopping and accepting donations on Wednesdays & Fridays from 10-11:30.
Maple St UMC Community Kitchen (also temporarily housing the First Kitchen)
—Free lunch, Monday - Friday at 12 noon.
NA Groups:
—–Meets Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12:30 pm. NA also meets at the Center of Hope, 1663 E Main St, (740) 689-8077, 7 days a week from 6-8 pm. For emergencies, call the Central Ohio Help Line at (614) 252-1700.
—–At the Bridge, 115 W 5th Avenue daily; call (614) 991-0131.
We encourage you to check first with your bank to see if online bill payment is a service they offer—for some banks, it is free! That means not only will they write the check for you, but they will mail it (and cover the postage) if needed. So you can schedule a donation to the church through your bank's website.
You can arrange to have a set amount automatically taken out of your checking or savings account on a regular basis. Some paperwork needs to be filed for this. To do this, send a message to offering@maplestchurch.com.
You may also send a check through regular mail. Always make sure to mark if it is designated for a specific purpose; otherwise, we will use it where it is most needed.
You can make donations with your bank account, credit card, or PayPal by clicking on the link below: